Tagged with #socialwork

CAUGHT! Part 8

CAUGHT! Part 8

THE FIRST MYRTLE EDITION Welcome back, my fellow trawlers! I had to sit on some dry land for a bit, but it is time to get back to the water because there is more fishing to do. But before we set our hooks, let’s talk victims for a minute. When I began writing about this … Continue reading

CAUGHT! Part 7

CAUGHT! Part 7

Justin Mitchell and/or Justin McClain is Hannah Bagwell Please save yourself! Don’t become a victim like Riley Well. You, my fellow fisherpeople, did not just bait a hook and wait for the fish to bite. Y’all went handgrabbing. I mean, y’all stuck your arms down the throat of a catfish and pulled it slap out … Continue reading

CAUGHT! Part 6

CAUGHT! Part 6

Justin Mitchell and/or Justin McClain is Hannah Bagwell Please save yourself! Don’t become a victim like Megan Hey, fishing buddies! Thanks for plodding through the muddy riverbanks of Hannah’s sick and twisted waterway. You are finally reading the post that made me claw through old emails, text messages, Facebook messages, and screenshots so I could … Continue reading

CAUGHT! Part 5

CAUGHT! Part 5

Justin Mitchell and/or Justin McClain is Hannah Bagwell Please save yourself! Don’t become a victim like Kristen Welcome back, my enthusiastic fishermen and women! I deeply appreciate all of you who have jumped on this boat with me, vowing not to get off until the ride is over. The ride isn’t nearly over, so put … Continue reading

CAUGHT! Part 4

CAUGHT! Part 4

Staci On January 9, 2019, another email came in, which meant another catfish victim was coming forward, asking for validation, ready to share her story. This made my number 4. However, let us not forget Scottie’s sister and the older sister of the little girl in the pictures. I now knew of 6 victims, all … Continue reading

CAUGHT! Part 3

CAUGHT! Part 3

Justin Mitchell and/or Justin McClain is Hannah Bagwell Please save yourself! Don’t become a victim like Joanna Hey, my favorite fishing-pole wielding warriors! Thanks for coming on over to part 3. Let’s get right to it. On October 2, 2018, I got an email from a girl named Joanna. She told me the same story, … Continue reading

CAUGHT! Part 2

CAUGHT! Part 2

Justin Mitchell and/or Justin McClain is Hannah Bagwell Please save yourself! Don’t become a victim like Carol-Ann Thanks, fellow fisherpeople, for following me to Part Two. We left off at the point where I wrote a blog post on February 22, 2018, telling some but not all of Natalie’s story. Natalie was my relative, and … Continue reading

CAUGHT! Part 1

CAUGHT! Part 1

Justin Mitchell and/or Justin McClain is Hannah Bagwell Please save yourself! Don’t become a victim like Natalie My brave fellow fishermen and fisherwomen, You have waited for this day for a long time. You have been patient, allowing me to cast my net with these blog posts in hopes that one day, the right person … Continue reading